OpenPlant PID Help

Editing Fixed Print Definitions

The Properties Dialog allows you to edit print definition properties for a single fixed print definition. When the Properties dialog opens it displays the print definition properties for the selected print definition. As you change print definition property values, related property values also change. A thumbnail preview is included on the Main tab that dynamically updates as changes are made to print definition property values.

The properties for a DGN/DWG fixed print definition are organized into six tabs: Main, Advanced, Fence, Display, Levels, and References.

DGN/DWG Properties dialog

The properties for a raster fixed print definition are organized into a single tab: Main.

Raster Properties dialog

The properties for a PDF fixed print definition are organized into a single tab: Main

PDF Properties dialog

The Modify Properties dialog allows you to edit multiple fixed print definitions. Unlike the Properties dialog, the Modify Properties dialog does not display any print definition property values. Instead, it operates as a fill-in-the-blanks form to allow you to type in the print definition property value or select it from a drop-down list box. Print definition property values that you specify are applied to each of the selected fixed print definitions when you click OK to dismiss the dialog.

The DGN/DWG Modify Properties dialog contains six tabs: Main, Advanced, Fence, Display, Levels, and References.

DGN/DWG Modify Properties dialog

The raster Modify Properties dialog contains a single tab: Main.

Raster Modify Properites dialog

The PDF Modify Properties dialog contains a single tab: Main.

PDF Modify Properties dialog